Organization Galleries

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Gallery Categories
This includes galleries that did not specify a category.
Home Page Gallery
Showcasing a selection of images from the Shutterbugs. Members can add FIVE IMAGES EACH to this gallery. First, look for the "Manage Galleries" button above. Then, use the drop-down arrow (little white triangle) beside the Home Page Gallery to see the gallery.
Monthly Meeting Galleries
Use the drop-down arrow to find the latest group gallery that we will use in our regular club meetings for show and share. Members can contribute to these galleries as required.
Location Shoot Galleries
Here is the place to upload your images from any of our group photography excursions. Use the drop-down arrow to find the latest gallery.
Winning Images from our Themes and Special Competitions
This gallery showcases the winning images from all of our Competitions and Themes.
CAPA Competition Galleries
Use the drop-down menu to submit your images to the latest CAPA competition.
North Shore Photograghic Challenge_Jan_2022
Use the drop down arrow to view the gallery or to make your submission.
MUSIC BOOK GALLERY - for the Writers Group of the Sidney North Saanich Library 2021
This public Gallery contains the “Top Ten Qualifiers” for each of two music-related competitions conducted by the Sidney Shutterbugs from January to March 2021. Use the drop-down arrow to view two sub-galleries, one for each competition. These competitions were in support of a book of short stories inspired by the theme of music that is being published by the Writers Group of the Sidney North Saanich Library (SNSL). The Qualifiers were reviewed by the SNSL Writers Group Book Committee, which selected one image for the book's cover and six for inside the book. The book is expected to be launched in the Fall of 2021 to which the winners will be invited. Launch details are yet to be finalized.
Private Galleries

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